Continue reading Wizard of Oz testing for voice using sound board software

Wizard of Oz testing for voice using sound board software

In innovation there is one thing that’s a constant: working through all the limitations and missing connections of technology really limits your ability to test with people. Let’s say you want to produce a voice interface for a newspaper and specifically like to use a high end artificial voice that hasn’t been released yet on…

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Continue reading Voice PoC sprint for publishing company

Voice PoC sprint for publishing company

As spin off of our innovation practice I was the creative and strategic lead for a Dutch voice project proof of concept sprint for a big publishing house. In order to create proof for a go-to-market strategy of the application of voice interfaces in the Netherlands we create Proof of Concepts. Goal was to go…

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Continue reading Digithon’s mini human centered design bootcamp in 20 minutes

Digithon’s mini human centered design bootcamp in 20 minutes

To profile Cognizant as an intersting employer and graduating company I helped organise a part of the Digithon. It was a huge success with over 80% followup after the event. My contribution was a 20 minutes bootcamp that I organised with my two colleagues Daniëlle and Marcha (coincidentally also the former graduates that joined my…

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Continue reading Guest spot at Bits vs Bytes podcast – The future of AI, AR and All Things Technological

Guest spot at Bits vs Bytes podcast – The future of AI, AR and All Things Technological

Somewhere in March of 2019 Amer Grgic (CTO at and hosts the Bits vs Bytes Podcast) asked on LinkedIn who should be his next guest on the Bits vs Bytes podcast. Of course I suggested some people, and surprisingly I also got invited. Here’s the podcast we recorded about (as Amer phrased it) the…

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Continue reading A true conversation with your event guests

A true conversation with your event guests

We believe that presenting yourself on events can be more fun, thought provoking and interactive with the help of conversational interfaces. That’s why we build a voice driven survey that engages and guides your booth or event guests through interesting and always relevant topics. We find ourselves quite often on events organized by our clients,…

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Continue reading Innovation practice: AI Garden

Innovation practice: AI Garden

Part of my responsibilities at Mirabeau/ Cognizant is to be the creative free radical for the Innovation Practice. That means: leveraging the power of technology and human centered design and story telling to our search for new opportunities. A.I. Garden was a wonderful project thought up by my colleague Dimitri and implemented by various workstudents…

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Continue reading Human Centered Design training #2, 3, 4 en meer

Human Centered Design training #2, 3, 4 en meer

Dit jaar komen er diverse Human Centered Design training onder de vlag van Mirabeau. We hebben ene flink plan neergelegd voor alle nieuwe graduates die binnenkomen bij Cognizant en een snelle verse voor de Mirabeau collega’s. Zoals het hoort besteden we veel aandacht aan de mensen en wat de mensen dagelijks zien als je bij…

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Continue reading xmas-chine learning

xmas-chine learning

We’ve got our #Christmas outfit ready. Merry Christmas everyone! 🧣🎄 – T-shirt design by our Creative Consultant @peetsneekes This post was posted on the @mirabeau_ Instagram account. The post is related to a project or concept I collaborated on. #merrychristmas#happyholidays#xmas#funnyshirts#machinelearning#digitalagency#mirabeau#digital#christmasoutift#makers#makermonday#makersgonnamake

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Continue reading Google Design Sprint Masterclass

Google Design Sprint Masterclass

What are the requirements for a Google Design Sprint? And does it have to be that strict? Today, @peetsneekes and his co-hosts @eefgriffioen and @paulienhosanganswered all your #DesignSprint questions at Emerce Dare. Missed it? Ask your question in the comments 👇🏼 This post was posted on the @mirabeau_ Instagram account. The post is related to an event I coordinated. mirabeau_#designsprints#designthinking #googledesignsprints#emercedare #dare18#pakhuisdezwijger #amsterdam#sprinten #timetimer #digitalagency#innovation #design #creative #makers

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Continue reading Voice for the masses with KaiOS on the banana feature phone

Voice for the masses with KaiOS on the banana feature phone

This banana shaped feature phone (Nokia 8110) is bringing voice-services to a market of millions in Asia and beyond. In fact, it and many other budget feature phones run KaiOS, the fastest growing mobile operating system in India. Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct, the digital agency…

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Continue reading Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Sometimes data cannot be easily read through graphs, lists or maps. Sometimes we need 3D. That’s why we mapped our climate sensor data onto a realtime 3D model. To control this ‘digital twin’ we also created a physical controller, shaped after our office building (KBF). This is the KBF-controller. Please note: I wrote this article…

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Continue reading ARrrrr, Happy ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day!

ARrrrr, Happy ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day!

We love all kinds of excuses to explore and learn new design tools and technology. This year we took ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day as an excuse to explore Apple’s new AR Kit, because you can’t talk like a pirate without AR(rrrr)! Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct…

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