In 2020 I spearheaded a unique collaboration between Cognizant and ARCAM. This collaboration consisted the creation and sponsorship of one of the expositions on Safe Spaces in ARCAM. The result was an interactive and data driven conversation data visualization on various aspects on safety in the city of Amsterdam. The goal: start and guide the conversation with citizens, policy makers and stakeholders on safety, perception and its historical significance.

ARCAM Architecture Center Amsterdam has been a meeting place for everyone interested in architecture, urban planning, and landscape design in the Amsterdam metropolitan region for over thirty years. Architecture, urban planning, and landscape design make the city. More information in Dutch can be found on the Arcam website.

It’s result was a two tier interactive view on Amsterdam, with data on the indicators of safety. Some of these indicators were sourced from public, municipal, data sources, others are derived from the Cognizant data team.
I guided both the sponsorship and was conceptual and creative lead on the project.