Continue reading Launch of Dapperder – a company that helps innovation through human centered design

Launch of Dapperder – a company that helps innovation through human centered design

In Januari of this year I soft launched my company Dapperder in response of market opportunities I could not fulfil in my current job. ‘Dapperder’ can be translated to ‘more brave’. This is the sentiment I wish for people and organisations. To step into a brave new world, filled with opportunity. In short: Dapperder is…

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Continue reading Voice PoC sprint for publishing company

Voice PoC sprint for publishing company

As spin off of our innovation practice I was the creative and strategic lead for a Dutch voice project proof of concept sprint for a big publishing house. In order to create proof for a go-to-market strategy of the application of voice interfaces in the Netherlands we create Proof of Concepts. Goal was to go…

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Continue reading Human Centered Design training #2, 3, 4 en meer

Human Centered Design training #2, 3, 4 en meer

Dit jaar komen er diverse Human Centered Design training onder de vlag van Mirabeau. We hebben ene flink plan neergelegd voor alle nieuwe graduates die binnenkomen bij Cognizant en een snelle verse voor de Mirabeau collega’s. Zoals het hoort besteden we veel aandacht aan de mensen en wat de mensen dagelijks zien als je bij…

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Continue reading Voice for the masses with KaiOS on the banana feature phone

Voice for the masses with KaiOS on the banana feature phone

This banana shaped feature phone (Nokia 8110) is bringing voice-services to a market of millions in Asia and beyond. In fact, it and many other budget feature phones run KaiOS, the fastest growing mobile operating system in India. Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct, the digital agency…

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Continue reading Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Sometimes data cannot be easily read through graphs, lists or maps. Sometimes we need 3D. That’s why we mapped our climate sensor data onto a realtime 3D model. To control this ‘digital twin’ we also created a physical controller, shaped after our office building (KBF). This is the KBF-controller. Please note: I wrote this article…

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Continue reading ARrrrr, Happy ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day!

ARrrrr, Happy ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day!

We love all kinds of excuses to explore and learn new design tools and technology. This year we took ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ day as an excuse to explore Apple’s new AR Kit, because you can’t talk like a pirate without AR(rrrr)! Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct…

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Continue reading Reading between the lines, empathetic design with A.I.

Reading between the lines, empathetic design with A.I.

What if we could give people and companies the superpower to better see what other people truly mean when they’re chatting with each other. That was our mission about a year ago and we’ve got some wonderful results: we can now read between the lines, well, sort of. Please note: This article and it’s materials…

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Continue reading Explore your next holiday with the Transavia Voice Assistant

Explore your next holiday with the Transavia Voice Assistant

Together with Transavia we created the Transavia Voice Assistant: by talking to your Google Home or Amazon Alexa, passengers can easily explore travel destinations and book their tickets. And in doing so, we enhanced the current flight search experience so that it perfectly suits the passengers’ need for effortless orientation and ticket booking. We are…

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Continue reading Our Human Centered Design pop-up center

Our Human Centered Design pop-up center

Energy, optimism and a lot of unexpected insights, that sums up our two-day Human Centered Design boot camp. This time we created a pop-up Human Centred Design center in the heart of Amsterdam teaching 25 of our Young Graduates what Human Centred Design actually means. In this article we share our experiences and learnings. What…

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Continue reading Financials need to innovate from the people’s perspective

Financials need to innovate from the people’s perspective

We believe that ‘Life without banking’ is the future. A human centered approach will pivot the customer experience (CX) of financial service providers in the broadest sense and serve all parties for the better! Please note: This article and it’s materials are published here courtesy of Mirabeau, the company I wrote this article for. The…

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Continue reading Applied Innovation: The power of creativity, AR, AI in BeerRecognition

Applied Innovation: The power of creativity, AR, AI in BeerRecognition

We created something wonderful and kind of nerdy. It’s called BeerRecognition. It’s an immersive experience with a central role for beer bottles. To do so we mixed pattern recognition, augmented reality and beer brands together in one concept. A recipe for success. Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct…

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Continue reading Design sprints: finding value with real people

Design sprints: finding value with real people

Our most powerful ‘tool’ to create valuable solutions for our clients is to play with real people in our design sprints.  To make a product or service that helps a company, we focus on making things that are appealing for real people. Please note: This article and it’s materials are published here courtesy of Mirabeau, the…

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Continue reading Improve service with emojis and reading between the lines

Improve service with emojis and reading between the lines

Can we transform visual- and auditive emotional cues into emoji’s? And if so, can we improve your digital experience by reading between the lines? I think so. This is the pitch I send my colleagues to get them to research the subject. Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct…

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Continue reading MLP Sessie Cognizant

MLP Sessie Cognizant

Organisaties willen in het kader van digitalisering graag veranderen, vernieuwen en hun eigen datagoudmijnen ontginnen. Tijdens een unieke bijeenkomst in het Cognizant Digital Works Collaboratory in Amsterdam werd onder leiding van digitaal strateeg Paul de Leer een groep vooraanstaande CDO’s, CEO’s en CIO’s op weg geholpen met het ontwikkelen van ‘minimum viable products’. Samenwerking op…

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Continue reading Easily purchasing tickets with Transavia’s new chatbot

Easily purchasing tickets with Transavia’s new chatbot

The goal: To be where the customers are Leading airlines like Transavia, know that in order to remain competitive, they need to be where their customers are. The challenge: Adopting cognitive services Through cognitive services, customers can interact with companies from their messenger platforms –something Transavia somehow must adopt. Our approach: Exploring customer interactionFinding the key points…

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Continue reading Making pattern recognition and A.I. relevant in the real world, with cows…

Making pattern recognition and A.I. relevant in the real world, with cows…

Mirabeau is currently experimenting with various cognitive services like text-, speech-, and image recognition. We believe that A.I. will have an even bigger impact in our lives than the smart phone revolution has. This research should lead to real world experience and examples for various A.I. services. One experiment puts (real time) visual pattern recognition…

Read more Making pattern recognition and A.I. relevant in the real world, with cows…
Continue reading Mirabeau introduceert design thinking bij PGGM

Mirabeau introduceert design thinking bij PGGM

Mirabeau is door pensioenfonds PGGM benaderd om design thinking te introduceren. Peet Sneekes vertelt tijdens eFinancials wat dat inhoudt. De doelgroep van PGGM zijn vooral verpleegkundigen. Het pensioenfonds wil volgens Sneekes design thinking toepassen om hun dienstverlening beter aan te laten sluiten bij de behoeftes van mensen. “We hebben vier sprints gedaan waarbij we nieuwe…

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