Continue reading Easily purchasing tickets with Transavia’s new chatbot

Easily purchasing tickets with Transavia’s new chatbot

The goal: To be where the customers are Leading airlines like Transavia, know that in order to remain competitive, they need to be where their customers are. The challenge: Adopting cognitive services Through cognitive services, customers can interact with companies from their messenger platforms –something Transavia somehow must adopt. Our approach: Exploring customer interactionFinding the key points…

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Continue reading Making pattern recognition and A.I. relevant in the real world, with cows…

Making pattern recognition and A.I. relevant in the real world, with cows…

Mirabeau is currently experimenting with various cognitive services like text-, speech-, and image recognition. We believe that A.I. will have an even bigger impact in our lives than the smart phone revolution has. This research should lead to real world experience and examples for various A.I. services. One experiment puts (real time) visual pattern recognition…

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Continue reading Mirabeau introduceert design thinking bij PGGM

Mirabeau introduceert design thinking bij PGGM

Mirabeau is door pensioenfonds PGGM benaderd om design thinking te introduceren. Peet Sneekes vertelt tijdens eFinancials wat dat inhoudt. De doelgroep van PGGM zijn vooral verpleegkundigen. Het pensioenfonds wil volgens Sneekes design thinking toepassen om hun dienstverlening beter aan te laten sluiten bij de behoeftes van mensen. “We hebben vier sprints gedaan waarbij we nieuwe…

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Continue reading SNS – Responsive, bruikbaar en heel normaal

SNS – Responsive, bruikbaar en heel normaal

Vandaag heeft SNS de eerste stap genomen om beter te maken, want vandaag is zijn alle pagina’s over hypotheken responsive geworden. Mirabeau helpt sinds begin dit jaar met strategie, concept, design en bouw voor een volledige responsive dienstverlening Responsive, bruikbaar en heel normaal De SNS website wordt in z’n geheel responsive gemaakt zodat ongeacht…

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Continue reading Thematic Murals & Signage For Kauwgomballen Fabriek, Amsterdam

Thematic Murals & Signage For Kauwgomballen Fabriek, Amsterdam

For Mirabeau/ Cognizant I have created various murals for the conference and collaboration spaces in their offices. As part of the new offices I had the delight to collaborate with the founders of Mirabeau and the directors of Cognizant to name and decorate their new office in the Kauwgomballenfabriek (a former chewing gum factory). For…

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Continue reading Art Project Contribution: HUISNR. 078

Art Project Contribution: HUISNR. 078

I contributed to the distributed art project by Koen de Wilde, called HUISNR (house number). I made something very flexible and bendy, something you’d expect from people, but also from things. You want them to be real, authentic, true and transparent. I also love weird material. That’s why I added something to the collection of…

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Continue reading Rabo Corporate Connect: persoonlijk, gefocust en relevant

Rabo Corporate Connect: persoonlijk, gefocust en relevant

Rabobank heeft in 2014/ 2015 aan Mirabeau gevraagd een strategie, concept en design uiteen te zetten voor hun grootzakelijke klanten: internationaal handelende bedrijven met een omzet tussen de 25 miljoen en 5 miljard euro. Het resultaat is een relevant, persoonlijk, dagelijks dashboard voor ieder niveau van de organisatie: van operationeel tot strategisch. De naam: Rabo…

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Continue reading Content first strategy for ING Wholesale Banking

Content first strategy for ING Wholesale Banking

The goal: one online environment  A better structure within an inspiring, dynamic environment, equipped with an integrated newsfeed that guides multinationals through the rough waters of the current financial climate. All products and local websites needed to be integrated in one single environment – resulting in more frequent visits. The challenge: guiding website visitors ING…

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Art project: De Goeie Buienradar (the good mood radar)

“De Goeie Buienradar” (good mood radar) is a semi real time map of people in The Netherlands that are in a good mood. The idea was: “be inspired by the moods of other people.“ De Goeie Buienradar (good mood radar) is a website that shows happy, or optimistic tweets on the map of The Netherlands.…

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Continue reading Art Project: contribution to SoundTransit binaural recordings

Art Project: contribution to SoundTransit binaural recordings

In my travels I have recorded various binaural recordings in Hongkong, New York and Amsterdam. These were contributed to a virtual travel website, an art project called SoundTransit. Here’s a listing of my work: Amsterdam, NL A short recording of Central Station in Amsterdam … An awesomely diverse place to record. 29.10.2008 04:00 Amsterdam, NL…

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