Continue reading AI’s are inbred fever dreams and why it’s okay

AI’s are inbred fever dreams and why it’s okay

Entropy is a bitch, and we’re all going to see the effects of it in 3, 2, 1 … Everybody is talking about the avalanche of new, cheaper, large language models (LLM’s) and other AI implementations. DeepSeek, also known as CheapSeek seems to stand out because it’s based on the ‘heavy lifting’ done by other…

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Advisory data storytelling capacity for national policy

To create good policy, you need to understand what is happening, what the cause is, and for that, you need data. Unfortunately, much data is hidden in databases, reports and unconnected data lakes. It can be challenging to turn these data into insights. Data engineering, economic knowledge and storytelling helps with this, particularly by visualizing…

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Continue reading It’s Just A Model – a podcast on the interstitium of innovation, tech, design and behaviour

It’s Just A Model – a podcast on the interstitium of innovation, tech, design and behaviour

Together with Ron Kersic, I produce and present a podcast on topics that most people don’t talk about. We call it the interstitium, the connecting tissue, highway, magic space where topics like innovation and design come together, similarly where business models, history and AI come together. Our conversations are informal and unrehearsed. You can find…

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Continue reading ARCAM Data visualization on safety in the city

ARCAM Data visualization on safety in the city

In 2020 I spearheaded a unique collaboration between Cognizant and ARCAM. This collaboration consisted the creation and sponsorship of one of the expositions on Safe Spaces in ARCAM. The result was an interactive and data driven conversation data visualization on various aspects on safety in the city of Amsterdam. The goal: start and guide the…

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Continue reading Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Smart Building Data visualisation with a 3D printed controller

Sometimes data cannot be easily read through graphs, lists or maps. Sometimes we need 3D. That’s why we mapped our climate sensor data onto a realtime 3D model. To control this ‘digital twin’ we also created a physical controller, shaped after our office building (KBF). This is the KBF-controller. Please note: I wrote this article…

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Continue reading Improve service with emojis and reading between the lines

Improve service with emojis and reading between the lines

Can we transform visual- and auditive emotional cues into emoji’s? And if so, can we improve your digital experience by reading between the lines? I think so. This is the pitch I send my colleagues to get them to research the subject. Please note: This article was written by me, posted on the now defunct…

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Continue reading Thematic Murals & Signage For Kauwgomballen Fabriek, Amsterdam

Thematic Murals & Signage For Kauwgomballen Fabriek, Amsterdam

For Mirabeau/ Cognizant I have created various murals for the conference and collaboration spaces in their offices. As part of the new offices I had the delight to collaborate with the founders of Mirabeau and the directors of Cognizant to name and decorate their new office in the Kauwgomballenfabriek (a former chewing gum factory). For…

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Continue reading Art Project Contribution: HUISNR. 078

Art Project Contribution: HUISNR. 078

I contributed to the distributed art project by Koen de Wilde, called HUISNR (house number). I made something very flexible and bendy, something you’d expect from people, but also from things. You want them to be real, authentic, true and transparent. I also love weird material. That’s why I added something to the collection of…

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Art project: De Goeie Buienradar (the good mood radar)

“De Goeie Buienradar” (good mood radar) is a semi real time map of people in The Netherlands that are in a good mood. The idea was: “be inspired by the moods of other people.“ De Goeie Buienradar (good mood radar) is a website that shows happy, or optimistic tweets on the map of The Netherlands.…

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Continue reading Art Project: contribution to SoundTransit binaural recordings

Art Project: contribution to SoundTransit binaural recordings

In my travels I have recorded various binaural recordings in Hongkong, New York and Amsterdam. These were contributed to a virtual travel website, an art project called SoundTransit. Here’s a listing of my work: Amsterdam, NL A short recording of Central Station in Amsterdam … An awesomely diverse place to record. 29.10.2008 04:00 Amsterdam, NL…

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