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The curious case of AI sloppiness

Why Do People Expect AI to Create Perfect (Accurate, Not Ideal) Images? I find that expectation a bit disappointing—a lack of imagination, really. Every time, we’re surprised by AI’s inaccuracies, by how it’s not real or doesn’t add up. But you could also say: “Cool, that’s beautiful inspiration.”

With just a few words, AI makes things visible that most of us couldn’t articulate, even if we had all the time in the world. It’s simply saying: Oh, 3,032 people have already done that—here’s what it looks like all mixed together. AI presents itself as a (mostly) melodious voice for people who have no voice. Don’t listen to the lyrics or the production, please—listen with your imagination.

Because yes, AI might sing a little off-key now and then, but it’s good enough for what it does: coming up with ideas. Photo-realistic little fantasies. Mr. and Mrs. Pinterest might as well close shop. Here’s your ideal, tireless mood-board creator. Coziness in a jar. Thirteen little inspiration eggs from the design dozen.

Maybe we still need connecting tools to translate inspiration into reality. A real advisor that turns 3D into 3-done, sending cut files to local makers. Perhaps there’s a beautiful new economy in that.