So many of you have seen our photos of people with their blank rubber duckie, or even laying in a pool of rubber duckies?
Please note: This article and it’s materials are published here courtesy of Mirabeau, the company I wrote this article for.

We thought it might be fun to give blank rubber duckies to future Mirabeau’ers, as a gift! So we got 1000 of them 😀
With it, you can first design it to your personal taste and then use it to talk with and think about working @ Mirabeau. As if there is anything to think about 😉
So why rubber duckies???
This is your very own Mirabeau rubber duckie!
Rubber duckies help you out when nobody’s around to talk you through a problem. Never heard of “Rubber Ducking”? Look it up! It’s a thing!

The idea is simple: talking with somebody to solve a problem always helps, because halfway through the explanation you already know the answer, right? So why not use a cute little rubber ducky? Super useful when nobody is around!
So, get your blank rubber ducky, for you to design however you like, just like your next job @ Mirabeau!